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Enrol in the CAAT Pension Plan

Ready to enrol?

If you work for an employer that participates in the CAAT Pension Plan, and you are eligible, you can submit your application to enrol online. To learn more about the benefits of enrolling in the CAAT Pension Plan, visit our website.

To complete the application to enrol, you’ll need to enter some basic information about yourself. This information will be reviewed by your employer. When it’s approved, it will be sent to the CAAT Pension Plan to confirm your enrolment. You’ll receive an enrolment package in the mail containing valuable information about your membership in the CAAT Pension Plan.

Complete the enrolment form

Enter your information in the fields provided

Select your employer

Click “Select your employer” to type your employer’s name in the search box. You must be currently employed by your employer. If your employer does not appear in the drop-down list, they are not currently eligible. Please contact your employer for instructions on how you can enrol in the CAAT Pension Plan.

Your employment status

Are you currently employed with another employer that participates in the CAAT Pension Plan?
Are you already a member of the CAAT Pension Plan?

Your Member ID is a six digit number which you will find on any personalized correspondence you receive from the CAAT Plan, such as your annual pension statement. If you do not know your Member ID, leave this field blank.

Your personal information

Your contact information